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Professional Counsellor

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Phone Number: +610408285269
7 Lancewood Circuit, Robina QLD, Australia, Australia 4226

Welcome, I am Louise Maree ENTREPRENURRESS, who has studied as a Professional Counsellor/Coach, Author, Inspirational Speaker/Trainer,Therapeutic Crisis Intervention Trainer, NeuroLinguistic Programmer Master Practitioner/Trainer, Master Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness and Meditation teacher, Genome Healing Practitioner and a Lived experience practitioner.  Having worked with Government and non-government agencies, Business owners,  Men & Women of all ages and in 3 different countries for over 22 years to achieve real life results and dreams they desire.

My total intention is to add MASSIVE VALUE /FUN to you and your amazing life. Through out my insanely ridiculous adventure of crashing into so many barriers, walls and oh the valleys of wanting to discover “who the bloody hell am I”, I learned how to workout this thing they call life and LIVE like I dream it EVERYDAY. You see, the  #1 problem in our world as I see it, is SELF CONCEPT…what we see ourselves as in the movie of our mind is mostly a false perception. I’ve never met a person who’s  perception of themselves is not distorted.

Knowing that it’s probably okay with you to share some of my story, and it is okay isn’t it?

Good, at the age of 3, I THOUGHT I was not good enough because I was a GIRL! Because of this THOUGHT albeit a VERY distorted perception,

I was constantly compared to my eldest brother, bullied horrendously at school and later at work, was numb on Valium for several years from the age of 12, had an exorcism performed on me at 17, gang raped at 17, pregnant at 18, arranged marriage at 19,  a marriage full of infidelity with prostitutes for 7 years of 14 year marriage, the one he left for I took under my wing and counselled, raped again at 34, Bankrupt…and a ridiculous script for a horror story you may well think…NO, it really was my life because of my self concept. That one decision/program I ran created my life. Now I have used that decision to create and program my self concept to where I am today…Happy and so excited about the endless possibilities.

During this wonderful adventure I learned how to CHOOSE to be exactly what I want to be 24/7 and drop 12 kilograms in 5 days! The number one question people consistently ask me is: Louise what on earth is it that you are doing as you are always Happy and overflowing with positive energy and look so healthy?

If you feel connected to the snippet of my journey above and are looking to find your ruling and ruining pattern…call me on 0408 285 269 to book a session. BTW, I have never seen a client more that 3 times, I’m into results not racketeering.

My website is:

Certified HHIA Platinum Professional Member 🙏🏼

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